How Play-Based Learning Can Encourage a Love for Nutritious Food

Nutritious food is vital for healthy growth and development, yet many children hesitate to try new healthy foods. Play-based learning is an effective way to encourage children to develop a love for nutritious food. In this article, we will explore how this learning can promote healthy eating habits and introduce some practical ideas. Parents and educators can use to incorporate play-based learning into their daily routines.

The Importance of Play-Based Learning

Play-based learning is a child-centered approach that promotes learning through play. It is a well-established pedagogical approach that effectively promotes cognitive, social, and emotional development in young children. It allows children to explore, experiment, and learn in a safe and nurturing environment.

Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of play-based learning in promoting children’s development. According to a report by the American Academy of Pediatrics, play-based learning can enhance young children’s cognitive, social, and emotional skills. Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Early Childhood Research found that preschoolers who participated in play-based learning activities had better academic outcomes than those who did not. Furthermore, a National Association for the Education of Young Children report stated that play-based learning can improve children’s problem-solving skills, creativity, and language development.

Play-based learning

The Connection Between Learning and Nutrition

This learning can be crucial in developing a love for nutritious food. When children are engaged in learning activities that involve food, they are more likely to be interested in trying new and healthy foods. This is because it makes food fun and exciting, which helps to break down barriers and increase interest in food.

Practical Ideas for Learning with Food

Look at the practical ideas below:

  1. Gardening: Gardening is a great way to introduce children to nutritious food. Planting and caring for a vegetable garden can be a fun and educational experience. Children can learn about the importance of soil, water, and sunlight for plant growth, and they can also learn about the nutritional value of different fruits and vegetables.
  2. Cooking: Cooking is another fun and interactive way to introduce children to healthy food. Children can help with meal preparation and learn about the nutritional value of different ingredients. Cooking also allows children to learn about food safety and hygiene.
  3. Food Art: Food art is a creative way to make healthy food more appealing to children. Children can use fruits and vegetables to create fun and colorful designs, which can encourage them to try new foods.
  4. Food Science: Food science experiments can be a fun way to teach children about the nutritional value of different foods. For example, children can experiment to see how different foods react to heat or cold.
  5. Food Exploration: Food exploration activities can help children develop an interest in different foods. Children can taste different fruits and vegetables and learn about the cultural significance of different foods.


Play-based learning is an effective way to encourage children to develop a love for nutritious food. By incorporating learning activities into their daily routines, parents and educators can help children develop healthy eating habits that will benefit them for years. At St. Bartholomew’s Preschool, we value the importance and encourage parents to incorporate these practices at home. Discover a nurturing environment where learning, loving, and sharing are valued at St. Bartholomew’s Preschool.

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