The Role of Nutrition in Recovery From Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Nutrition plays a vital role in the recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. If you are on a drug addiction treatment program, it is crucial to eat nutritious food that will help your body recover from the effects of drugs. A balanced diet plays an essential role in recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. But we need to combine nutrition with other interventions such as counseling and therapy. For instance, meth addiction treatment is the best form of treatment for individuals addicted to meth.



How does alcohol and drug addiction affect nutrition?

Alcohol and drug addiction affect how people consume food hence affecting nutrition. The following are some of the ways that addiction affects nutrition.


Less consumption of food

People addicted to alcohol or drugs tend to eat less due to a lack of appetite. Drug addiction affects the brain, which is responsible for controlling hunger and thirst. Also, individuals suffering from drug use are more likely not to have a balanced diet. They cannot afford nutritious food because they prefer buying drugs.


Increased consumption of unhealthy foods

Individuals addicted to drugs also consume more unhealthy foods. Most prefer to eat junk food which increases the risk of becoming obese. A balanced diet helps to improve physical well-being by improving brain function. It also plays a crucial role in preventing many chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.


Lack of vitamin intake

Individuals addicted to drugs are also likely to miss out on vitamins in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Not consuming enough healthy food affects the body’s ability to absorb necessary nutrients. The body cannot absorb some essential nutrients without adequate levels of other minerals and vitamins.


What should you eat when recovering from alcohol and drug addiction?


Increase intake of carbohydrates

When recovering from alcohol and drug addiction, it is essential to increase carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are available in bread, rice, potatoes, yams, and cereals, among others.


Increase intake of fruits and vegetables

Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants which help to fight against cancer. They also contain fiber that helps with digestion hence preventing constipation. Vegetables have fewer calories and provide the body with essential nutrients. These include magnesium, potassium, and calcium, among others. Leafy green vegetables are good sources of vitamins C which is suitable for the immune system.


Fish and lean meat

We can also include lean fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines in a balanced diet to provide essential proteins needed by the body. Lean meats such as beef, pork, and chicken should also form part of the daily diets. They contain iron that helps to transport oxygen in the blood.


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